Fall Specials 秋季酬宾 2019

Valid before 10/31/2019
New Construction and Addition 新建、加建

$5000 OFF

We provide design service and help you go through legalization processes required by government and community.

Landscaping 院落设计施工

$2000 OFF

projects worth $15000 and up.

We provide design service and help you go through legalization processes required by government and community.

Kitchen/Bath Remodeling 厨卫翻新

$500 OFF

projects worth $5000 and up.
Commercial/Office Renovation 店面/办公室装修

20% OFF

Furniture 精品家具

30% OFF

orders of $5000 and up.

50% OFF

orders of $10000 and up.
Flooring 地板、地砖

$250 OFF

projects worth $3000 and up.
Custom Draperies 窗帘定制

$300 OFF

projects worth $3500 and up.
Painting 油漆粉刷

20% OFF

projects worth $5000 and up.

10% OFF

lower budget jobs.